Monday, May 31, 2010

Tumblr anyone?

For that dog that exist in every straight man. Slap hands for almost naked women. Now wheres that pack of cigarettes...

Monday, May 24, 2010

John Mayer

Like I know people know this dude. And I know he got platinum albums and all that but I gotta say... I fucks with John Mayer. This dude is super dope. His music is not something I say I listen to every day or even purchased. But in my years of listening to music I can say I have not heard anything quite like him. Even more so I think that music like his and similar Kings of Leon where you can talk about more than drugs bitches hoes and being a rockstar but abstractions and beautiful moment. Thats amazing... Thats powerful...rSo slap hands to fucking John Mayer and Ms.Pandora for introducing the two of us.
"Mayer this is Rogue... Rogue this is Mayer. How do you do?...  "

Sunday, May 23, 2010


It doesn't take much to change peoples perception of you only a word often, the difference between I'm a dork and I am a geek it huge or own a 69' mustang or I own a car that I meant to restore but never did. So choose your words wisely and a great many hand slaps to the people who can choose the right words for the right moments.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Bored at work.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hunter S. Thompson on Friendship...
"Choosing the right friends is a life-or-death matter. But you really see it only in retrospect. I've always considered that possibly my highest talent -- recognizing and keeping good friends. And you better pay attention to it, because any failure in that regard can be fatal. You need friends who come through. You should always be looking around for good friends because they really dress up your life later on...In the end, it's not so much how to succeed in life as it is how to survive the life you have chosen."
-- Hunter S. Thompson, Playboy 2004 spotted at Brobible
Slaphands to good friends...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I think it's great that this man has a thing for Edward Cullen but the fact that he put it on his manly Durango makes it a slap hands moment for everyone but him. Sorry dude.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Monday, May 17, 2010

Day Uno: Rogue's 2 Cents

So like my man said this blog is for slap hand moments. but I also want to add my further comments and thoughts to it because as we all know that life is a trip. I feel like the revelations and questions it presents us are also equally important. So not to put a damper on the cheerfulness of this blog but just to stimulate your mind in a new way I will be throwing in some dimmer comments to this blog but other wise all systems go

Rogue Out...

Day uno

Hello my friends and welcome to Slap Hands. A blog about moments that cause said hand slap and you revel in the moment with your fellow man!On another topic I am looking for a iPhone and blackberry app that will reliably post to blogger with pics included.